Brexit news & updates


United Kingdom Delays Implementation of Border Controls. Again.

The United Kingdom’s Minister of State, David Frost, announced that the United Kingdom is delaying implementing certain border controls. This is not the first time dates of implementation have been pushed back.

Barriers on the beach - border controls (UK)
Brexit news & updates

European Union Ratifies Trade Deal With United Kingdom

UK Flag
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Port of Zeebrugge as an alternative to Calais

With Brexit almost one and a half month underway we are seeing hiccups in the flows of goods between the European Union and the United Kingdom.

Zeebrugge port
Brexit news & updates

Brexit Update: Impact on UK Businesses and Updates on the Irish Border

The first month of Brexit is behind us. As many companies built up stock on both sides of the British Channel to make sure there were no shortages, the first weeks were relatively quiet.

Polaroid photos of the UK
Brexit news & updates

Key British Customs System Maxed Out. French System Straining

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has sent out a message that its systems processing transit shipments have maxed out.

woman, stressed out, in front of a screen.
Brexit news & updates

Preferential Treatment for Imports

On January 1st 2021 a free trade agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom has gone into effect, which will alter the way goods can be imported into the United Kingdom from the European Union and vice versa. The changes outlined below pertain to the import of goods using preferential rates.

DNA sequence in code
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Certificate of Origin

The EU-UK Brexit Deal and Its Implications for Businesses

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Customs Impact on a No Deal Brexit

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In Case of No Deal: What Does Trading Under WTO Rules Mean?

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How to prepare for Brexit? - a Webinar Recap

Brexit news & updates