

ATR Certificate Explained

An ATR certificate is an essential customs document for trade between Türkiye and the EU, but is not a certificate of origin as commonly assumed. Find out how ATR documents really work in this article.

ATR certificate is an essential customs document for trade between Türkiye and the EU

What Do I Need To Include In My Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Reports

The European Commission has published a draft for the rules of reporting ahead of the first phase of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Find out what must be included in your CBAM reports here.

Chart view of a report

How our neutrality empowers your business for success

What exactly are the benefits of working with a neutral customs partner? In a world full of biases, maintaining neutrality has become an invaluable virtue. Discover how working with a neutral customs partner is the key to upgrading your customs functions in this article.


Unlocking Cash Flow Efficiency with Bonded Warehousing

Throughout the world, cash is king. But did you know that the key to managing finances in your supply chain can lie in your storage facility? Discover the advantages of customs bonded warehousing in this article.

supply chain
Supply Chain

UCC Centralised Clearance for Import (CCI)

Learn about UCC centralised clearance for imports and how it can help you optimise your supply chain efficiency.

Digitally Connected globe
Centralised Clearances

Customs Excise – Recent changes in the EU you should know

In February, excise declarations went digital in the EU. But what was the wider impact of this on the customs landscape? We asked one of our customs consultants about the implications in this article.

Customs Excise
Excise Goods

Prepare for the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) now

Earlier this year, the EU unveiled the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism as a mechanism for carbon neutral trade. With the CBAM starting in October, find out how you need to prepare in this article.

Plant leafs under light
European Union

Meet Our People: Antti Tiirikainen

In our series #WeAreCustomsSupport, you will meet the people behind Customs Support. We value our colleagues and the work they do. In this series, we will interview the people who are always ready to assist you with importing or exporting your goods without worries. Next up in this series is Antti Tiirikainen, who is a sales manager for Customs Support Finland.

Picture of Antti Tiirikainen

Transit Documents: What Do I Need?

Customs transit is a customs procedure used to move goods within one customs territory, via another, or between two or more different customs territories. The transit procedure can be used to delay the payment of import duties and value-added tax. Duties and VAT can be temporarily suspended.

Road Map Transit Documents

The story of Balimpex AG

We support the global trading aspirations of our clients from across Europe. One of the countries where we have had offices since 2021 is Switzerland, home of Balimpex AG. As of today, the company will rebrand and become Customs Support Switzerland.

Old town of Basel
Customs Clearance